10 Places You Should Not Forget to Vacuum

10 Places You Should Not Forget to Vacuum

Dirt can run, but it can't hide!

We know you're very busy out there and sometimes you can't clean every nook and cranny of your home. But are there areas you can't remember when you cleaned last? If so, Simplicity is here to help you maintain that happy, healthy, and clean home!

Here are some tips on places that sometimes need some vac attention. 

  1. Light Fixtures (ceiling fans, lampshades, and lightbulbs)
  2. Drawers
  3. Windows (sills, treatments, and drapes or curtains/blinds)
  4. Doors (frames and thresholds)
  5. Beds (mattresses, frames, and underneath the bed)
  6. Closets
  7. Furniture (upholstered or not)
  8. Home office area
  9. Vents & ducts
  10. Appliances (Refrigerator and washer/dryer)
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